Thursday, January 7, 2010

6 and 1/2 months to go!

Important items:
1. Uniforms: the deadline for getting in on the discount uniform order has been changed to Feb 1st. That should still give us plenty of time, and popcorn proceeds (see below) should be available before then. We recommend 3 class A shirts, 2+ pair of scout pants, 6+ pair of crew length scout socks (red top or not). Use the form we handed out at the meeting, or here's a link for a copy you can print out:  order form
Fill that out, send it directly to the scout shop. BE SURE to INCLUDE a check or credit card number (with all the particulars). We will have "710" on our council shoulder patch, so don't worry about that or position patches. You will need rank badges on each shirt. Your order and payment need to be AT THE SCOUT OFFICE on, or before Feb 1st to get in on this.
SM Ted tip: label all your clothing items with your name before the trip.

2. Patches: we hear-by issue a call for a volunteer Graphics Artist to morph the rounder and shoulder patch designs that the troop chose into sharp bright colorful graphics files we can send to the embroiderer. Please contact ASM Denise (482-6891) if you may be able to help!

3. Proceeds from your Popcorn sales will be mailed directly to your home in about a week. For accounting reasons it needed to be done this way instead of going straight into your Jambo account. Most of you are well on the way to full payment. If you are under $2000 at this point please make plans to augment this. Dutch Brothers mug sale proceeds (for those that did this) will be distributed in the same way as popcorn.

4. Physicals need to be in to ASM Neil by February 15th. That's a Monday. Use the unique form that was e-mailed to you with your name on it.  This is not optional.

5. Gateway design team: please consider participating in designing our gateway. Go to pictures of gateways or google for examples. Please volunteer to lead or be on the design team.

6. Troop Positions: chaplain's aid and historian have not been assigned yet- if you are interested please speak up.

7. Our troop pre-jamboree preporation campouts will be 4/23-25 next to the scout office in Central Point, 5/21-23 as part of the council camporall, and please be advised we are considering an additional June camp.

This is a big committment from everyone, and we want to make the most of our experience at "The best, most exciting, fun-filled, safest jamboree ever!"
We realize there hasn't been much communication in the past month, and promise to improve on that in the future. We expect to send updates every couple of weeks.
Scoutmaster  Ted Yarosh 884-1503
Assist. Scoutmasters   Denise Blocher 482-6891 and Neil Olsen 664-7935
Jr. Assist. Scooutmaster Joe Grant 588-0114